• Talking Robot Project
Talking Robot Project

Product Description

Talking Robot Based on Arduino Uno


The talking robot project aims to create a simple robot capable of mimicking human speech and performing basic hand and face movements. The robot's movements are controlled via servo motors connected to an Arduino Uno microcontroller, while speech synthesis is handled using a laptop running Python. The laptop communicates with the Arduino through serial communication, and the robot speaks using a speaker connected to the laptop.

Key Features:

  • Speech Output: The robot will speak pre-defined sentences or respond to user inputs via text-to-speech (TTS) technology.
  • Face & Hand Movements: The robot's face and hands will move in sync with the speech, simulating realistic gestures.
  • Control via Python and Arduino: Python will manage the text-to-speech and send movement commands to the Arduino, which controls the servo motors.
  • Sound Output: The speech will be output through a speaker, providing clear audio responses.


  1. Arduino Uno: The brain of the hardware side of the project, controlling the servos that drive hand and face movements.
  2. Servo Motors: Small motors responsible for the robot's movement. Each servo controls different parts, such as the hands and face, providing motion while the robot speaks.
  3. Laptop: Acts as the processing unit for the speech generation using Python and handles communication with the Arduino.
  4. Speaker: Outputs the sound generated by the Python text-to-speech engine, serving as the voice of the robot.
  5. Power Supply: A 9V battery or external power supply will be used to power the Arduino and servos.
  6. Jumper Wires and Breadboard: For connecting the Arduino to the servos and other components.

How It Works:

  1. Speech Generation: Python code on the laptop will use a text-to-speech (TTS) engine to convert text into speech. The speech will be played through a speaker.
  2. Serial Communication: Python will send signals via serial communication to the Arduino, instructing the robot to move its servos in time with the speech.
  3. Servo Control: The Arduino Uno will receive movement commands and control the servo motors to make the robot’s hands and face move accordingly.
  4. Synchronization: The robot's movements will be synchronized with the speech to create the appearance of a talking, expressive robot.

Process Flow:

  1. Text Input (optional): The user inputs text on the laptop, which the Python code processes and converts into speech using a TTS library.
  2. Movement Command: Along with the speech, Python sends serial commands to the Arduino to control the servos.
  3. Speech Output: The speaker outputs the speech, while the servos animate the robot’s hand and face to match the spoken words.
  4. Repeat Process: The process repeats for each new input or pre-programmed sentence.


  • Educational Tool: The talking robot can be used to demonstrate robotics, servo control, and basic speech synthesis to beginners.
  • Voice Assistant: With the addition of more advanced programming, the robot could serve as a simple voice assistant, responding to voice or text commands.
  • Interactive Display: This robot can be used in public displays or as part of interactive installations where speech and gestures are needed.

Future Enhancements:

  • Voice Recognition: Adding a microphone and voice recognition software would allow the robot to listen and respond to voice commands.
  • Facial Expressions: Adding more servos for eyelids or mouth movement could increase the expressiveness of the robot.
  • Autonomous Operation: With more sensors, the robot could operate autonomously, responding to environmental cues.

This project serves as an entry point into robotics and AI, integrating basic hardware control with software-based speech synthesis.

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The latest and special price of Talking Robot Project in Bangladesh is BDT ৳0.00 Taka. Buy best quality Talking Robot Project from ElectronicsBD at a special price in Bangladesh (BD). You can buy Talking Robot Project at best price from ElectronicsBD or visit ElectronicsBD Store. বাংলাদেশে আকর্ষণীয় মূল্যে কিনুন Talking Robot Project শুধুমাত্র ইলেকট্রনিক্স বিডি ElectronicsBD থেকে। ElectronicsBD বাংলাদেশের সকল প্রধান স্থান যেমন বরিশাল, চট্টগ্রাম, ঢাকা, খুলনা, রাজশাহী, রংপুর, ময়মনসিংহ এবং সিলেটে পণ্য ডেলিভারি করে ।

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Talking Robot Project

Talking Robot Project
