- AVR series: High-speed programming
- PIC series: 8-bit microcontroller programming
- Serial 24/25/35/45/93 series: Programming
- Type: High-performance BIOS programmer
- Car computer chip programming: Supported
- Compatibility: WIN2000, WINXP, WIN2003, WIN2008, WIN VISTA, WIN7, WIN8, WIN10 (32-bit and 64-bit)
- Software version: V7.05
- Chip support: Over 15,000+ chips (regularly updated)
- 1x TL866II Plus Universal Programmer
- 1x USB cable
- 1x ICSP cable
The TL866II Plus is a versatile universal BIOS programmer that supports a wide range of programming, including AVR, PIC, and Serial EEPROM series chips. It’s a high-performance tool designed for professionals working with microcontrollers and BIOS chips, including car computer chip programming. It supports Windows operating systems from WIN2000 to WIN10 (both 32-bit and 64-bit), and the software (version V7.05) regularly updates to support over 15,000+ chips.
1. Which microcontroller series does the TL866II Plus support?
Answer: It supports programming for AVR series single-chip and PIC series 8-bit microcontrollers.
2. What chip series can be programmed using the TL866II Plus?
Answer: It supports programming of Serial 24/25/35/45/93 series chips.
3. Does this programmer support BIOS chip programming?
Answer: Yes, it is a high-performance BIOS programmer.
4. What software version does the TL866II Plus use?
Answer: The software version is V7.05, and it supports over 15,000+ chips.
5. Which operating systems are compatible with the TL866II Plus?
Answer: It supports Windows 2000, XP, 2003, 2008, Vista, 7, 8, and 10 (32-bit and 64-bit).
TL866II Plus EEPROM PIC AVR TL866 USB Universal BIOS Programmer 24 93 25 mcu Bios EPROM ElectronicsBD Bangladesh (BD)
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What is the latest and best price of TL866II Plus EEPROM PIC AVR TL866 USB Universal BIOS Programmer 24 93 25 mcu Bios EPROM in Bangladesh (BD) ?
The latest and special price of TL866II Plus EEPROM PIC AVR TL866 USB Universal BIOS Programmer 24 93 25 mcu Bios EPROM in Bangladesh is BDT 5000 Taka. Buy best quality TL866II Plus EEPROM PIC AVR TL866 USB Universal BIOS Programmer 24 93 25 mcu Bios EPROM from
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You can buy TL866II Plus EEPROM PIC AVR TL866 USB Universal BIOS Programmer 24 93 25 mcu Bios EPROM at best price from
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