- Transmission distance: Up to 8m (depending on environment and receiver sensitivity)
- Battery type: CR2025 button battery
- Battery capacity: 160mAh
- IR transmission distance: 8 meters (requires direct line of sight and sensitive receiver)
- Effective angle: 60 degrees
- Case material: 0.125mm PET
- Estimated usage cycles: 20,000 times
- Quiescent current: 3-5µA
- Dynamic current: 3-5mA
- Compatibility: Arduino
- IR transmitter (remote control) with CR2025 coin cell battery
- IR transmitter LED
- IR receiver breakout
- Jumper wires
This IR Remote Control Module is perfect for controlling Arduino-based projects. It offers a transmission range of up to 8 meters, an effective angle of 60 degrees, and a lifespan of 20,000 usage cycles. Powered by a CR2025 coin cell battery with a capacity of 160mAh, it ensures long-lasting performance. The module includes an IR transmitter LED, a receiver breakout, and jumper wires for easy connectivity. Ideal for DIY electronics enthusiasts, it is designed to make prototyping and project building seamless and efficient.
What is the transmission range of this remote?
The transmission distance is up to 8 meters, depending on the environment and receiver sensitivity.
What type of battery does it use?
It uses a CR2025 coin cell battery with a 160mAh capacity.
Is this remote Arduino compatible?
Yes, it is fully compatible with Arduino.
How many usage cycles can I expect from this remote?
The remote is estimated to last for 20,000 usage cycles.
What is included in the package?
The package includes an IR transmitter (remote control) with a CR2025 battery, IR transmitter LED, IR receiver breakout, and jumper wires.
HX1838 IR Receiver Module Kit ElectronicsBD Bangladesh (BD)
In Bangladesh, you can get the best Quality and original HX1838 IR Receiver Module Kit from
ElectronicsBD. We have a large collection of the latest HX1838 IR Receiver Module Kit to purchase. Order online or visit our shop
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What is the latest and best price of HX1838 IR Receiver Module Kit in Bangladesh (BD) ?
The latest and special price of HX1838 IR Receiver Module Kit in Bangladesh is BDT 150 Taka. Buy best quality HX1838 IR Receiver Module Kit from
ElectronicsBD at a special price in Bangladesh (BD).
You can buy HX1838 IR Receiver Module Kit at best price from
ElectronicsBD or visit
ElectronicsBD Store. বাংলাদেশে আকর্ষণীয় মূল্যে কিনুন HX1838 IR Receiver Module Kit শুধুমাত্র ইলেকট্রনিক্স বিডি
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