Key Features:
- High Performance: Executes instructions in 200 nanoseconds, with only 35 single-word instructions to learn.
- CPU: 8-bit PIC architecture, providing reliable and efficient processing.
- 1.75KB Flash memory for program storage.
- 68 bytes of RAM for data handling.
- 64 bytes of EEPROM for non-volatile data storage.
Operating Voltage: 2V to 6V, offering flexibility in power supply options.
Pin Count: 18 pins, providing versatile connectivity options.
- One 8-bit timer/counter.
- One 16-bit timer/counter.
ICSP: In-Circuit Serial Programming for easy updates without removing the device from the end product.
- Automotive: Suitable for advanced level A/D applications in automotive systems.
- Industrial: Ideal for industrial instruments and automation systems.
- Appliances: Used in various household appliances for control and monitoring.
- Consumer Electronics: Widely used in remote sensors, security devices, and home automation.
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What is the latest and best price of PIC16F84A Microcontroller in Bangladesh (BD) ?
The latest and special price of PIC16F84A Microcontroller in Bangladesh is BDT 313 Taka. Buy best quality PIC16F84A Microcontroller from
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ElectronicsBD বাংলাদেশের সকল প্রধান স্থান যেমন বরিশাল, চট্টগ্রাম, ঢাকা, খুলনা, রাজশাহী, রংপুর, ময়মনসিংহ, সিলেটে সহ সকল স্থানে পণ্য ডেলিভারি করে ।