- Part Number: 7493, SN74HC93N, 74HC93, 74LS93
- Pin Count: 14 Pins (DIP)
- Voltage: Standard TTL switching voltages
- Operating Temperature: Up to 70°C
- Power Dissipation: Low
- 1x 7493 SN74HC93N 74HC93 74LS93 DIP 14 Pin IC
The 7493 SN74HC93N 74HC93 74LS93 IC features a divide-by-two and divide-by-eight section, which can be combined to form BCD, modulo-12, or modulo-16 counters. It offers low power dissipation and operates at standard TTL switching voltages with a maximum operating temperature of 70°C.
What are the main features of the 7493 IC?
It contains a divide-by-two section and a divide-by-eight section, which can be combined to form BCD, modulo-12, or modulo-16 counters.
What is the operating temperature range for this IC?
The IC operates up to 70°C.
What kind of voltage does this IC use?
It uses standard TTL switching voltages.
How many pins does the 7493 IC have?
The 7493 IC has 14 pins in a DIP package.
What is the power dissipation of this IC?
The IC has low power dissipation.
7493 SN74HC93N 74HC93 74LS93 DIP 14 Pin IC ElectronicsBD Bangladesh (BD)
In Bangladesh, you can get the best Quality and original 7493 SN74HC93N 74HC93 74LS93 DIP 14 Pin IC from
ElectronicsBD. We have a large collection of the latest 7493 SN74HC93N 74HC93 74LS93 DIP 14 Pin IC to purchase. Order online or visit our shop
ElectronicsBD to get yours at the lowest price.
What is the latest and best price of 7493 SN74HC93N 74HC93 74LS93 DIP 14 Pin IC in Bangladesh (BD) ?
The latest and special price of 7493 SN74HC93N 74HC93 74LS93 DIP 14 Pin IC in Bangladesh is BDT 69 Taka. Buy best quality 7493 SN74HC93N 74HC93 74LS93 DIP 14 Pin IC from
ElectronicsBD at a special price in Bangladesh (BD).
You can buy 7493 SN74HC93N 74HC93 74LS93 DIP 14 Pin IC at best price from
ElectronicsBD or visit
ElectronicsBD Store. বাংলাদেশে আকর্ষণীয় মূল্যে কিনুন 7493 SN74HC93N 74HC93 74LS93 DIP 14 Pin IC শুধুমাত্র ইলেকট্রনিক্স বিডি
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