- Microcontroller: ATmega2560
- Wi-Fi IC: ESP8266
- USB-TTL Converter: CH340G
- Power Output: 5V-800mA
- Power Input (USB): 5V (500mA max.)
- Power Input (VIN/DC Jack): 9-24V
- Power Consumption: 5V 800mA
- Logic Level: 5V
- Wi-Fi Standard: 802.11 b/g/n 2.4 GHz
- USB Port: Micro USB
- Clock Frequency: 16MHz
- Operating Voltage: 5V
- Digital I/O Pins: 54
- Analog Input Pins: 16
- Memory Size: 256KB
- RAM Size: 8KB
- ROM Size: 4KB
- Interfaces: Serial/OTA
- Operating Temperature: -40°C to +125°C
- Dimensions: 53.36 × 101.86mm
1 x NodeMCU Mega WiFi R3 ATmega2560 ESP8266 32Mb Memory Board
The NodeMCU Mega WiFi R3 is a high-performance microcontroller board integrating the ATmega2560 with an ESP8266 Wi-Fi module, making it perfect for IoT and automation projects. With 32Mb of memory and a built-in USB-TTL converter (CH340G), it allows for seamless Wi-Fi (802.11 b/g/n) connectivity and advanced data processing. The board supports multiple power inputs, including USB (5V) and DC Jack (9-24V), offering flexibility in various project setups. Fully compatible with Arduino Mega and NodeMCU environments, this board is ideal for complex and large-scale applications.
Q: Is this board compatible with Arduino IDE?
A: Yes, it is fully compatible with the Arduino IDE.
Q: Can I program the ESP8266 separately from the ATmega2560?
A: Yes, both microcontrollers can be programmed independently.
Q: What is the maximum input voltage for the board?
A: The board supports 9V to 24V input via the VIN/DC Jack.
Q: Does this board support OTA (Over-the-Air) updates?
A: Yes, the ESP8266 module supports OTA firmware updates.
Q: What kind of Wi-Fi networks does this board support?
A: It supports Wi-Fi 802.11 b/g/n at 2.4 GHz.
NodeMCU Mega WiFi R3 Atmega2560 ESP8266 32Mb Memory Board ElectronicsBD Bangladesh (BD)
In Bangladesh, you can get the best Quality and original NodeMCU Mega WiFi R3 Atmega2560 ESP8266 32Mb Memory Board from
ElectronicsBD. We have a large collection of the latest NodeMCU Mega WiFi R3 Atmega2560 ESP8266 32Mb Memory Board to purchase. Order online or visit our shop
ElectronicsBD to get yours at the lowest price.
What is the latest and best price of NodeMCU Mega WiFi R3 Atmega2560 ESP8266 32Mb Memory Board in Bangladesh (BD) ?
The latest and special price of NodeMCU Mega WiFi R3 Atmega2560 ESP8266 32Mb Memory Board in Bangladesh is BDT 3711 Taka. Buy best quality NodeMCU Mega WiFi R3 Atmega2560 ESP8266 32Mb Memory Board from
ElectronicsBD at a special price in Bangladesh (BD).
You can buy NodeMCU Mega WiFi R3 Atmega2560 ESP8266 32Mb Memory Board at best price from
ElectronicsBD or visit
ElectronicsBD Store. বাংলাদেশে আকর্ষণীয় মূল্যে কিনুন NodeMCU Mega WiFi R3 Atmega2560 ESP8266 32Mb Memory Board শুধুমাত্র ইলেকট্রনিক্স বিডি
ElectronicsBD থেকে।
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