• EM4100 125kHz Printable RFID Card
  • EM4100 125kHz Printable RFID Card
EM4100 125kHz Printable RFID Card
  • Contactless transmission of data and supply energy (no battery needed)
  • Operating distance: Up to 1 to 5 cm (Depending on Antenna Geometry)
  • Operating frequency: 125KHz
  • Data transfer: 106 kbit/s
  • Data integrity: 16 Bit CRC, parity, bit coding bit counting
  • Anti-collision
  • Printable


1x EM4100 125kHz Printable RFID Card

Product Description

Buy EM4100 125kHz Printable RFID Card From ElectronicsBD Bangladesh (BD)

In Bangladesh, you can get the best Quality and original EM4100 125kHz Printable RFID Card from ElectronicsBD. We have a large collection of the latest EM4100 125kHz Printable RFID Card to purchase. Order online or visit our shop ElectronicsBD to get yours at the lowest price.

What is the latest and best price of EM4100 125kHz Printable RFID Card in Bangladesh (BD) ?

The latest and special price of EM4100 125kHz Printable RFID Card in Bangladesh is BDT ৳39.00 Taka. Buy best quality EM4100 125kHz Printable RFID Card from ElectronicsBD at a special price in Bangladesh (BD). You can buy EM4100 125kHz Printable RFID Card at best price from ElectronicsBD or visit ElectronicsBD Store. বাংলাদেশে আকর্ষণীয় মূল্যে কিনুন EM4100 125kHz Printable RFID Card শুধুমাত্র ইলেকট্রনিক্স বিডি ElectronicsBD থেকে। ElectronicsBD বাংলাদেশের সকল প্রধান স্থান যেমন বরিশাল, চট্টগ্রাম, ঢাকা, খুলনা, রাজশাহী, রংপুর, ময়মনসিংহ এবং সিলেটে পণ্য ডেলিভারি করে ।

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EM4100 125kHz Printable RFID Card

EM4100 125kHz Printable RFID Card
