Active Components

Electronics projects and kits, Robotics and mechanisms, Sensor, modules, IPS, LCD, OLED Display, Meters, and other Products can be found in our "Active Components" category along with other sub categories. Our "Active Components" category contain most important and demanding components like Arduino, different modules, sensor modules, breakout boards, raspberry pi, various development boards and so on.... Find your desired product at ElectronicsBD at a very reasonable price.

30A Mini VNH2SP30 Stepper Motor Driver Monster Moto Module For Arduino

Model: 4696

What is the 30A Mini VNH2SP30 Stepper Motor Driver ? The 30A Mini VNH2SP30 Stepper Motor Dri..

ARDUINO UNO Proto Shield

Model: 2244


Arduino UNO Sensor Shield

Model: 4069
৳337.00 ৳391.00


BMP180 Shield Temperature Barometric Pressure Sensor Module FOR D1 Mini WIFI Extension Board

Model: 4111

The "BMP180 Shield Temperature Barometric Pressure Sensor Module" is a versatile extension board des..

Showing 1 to 10 of 29 (3 Pages)